
Kintampo undertakes a cleaning initiative at its weekly market

Action Youth for Development-Ghana, in partnership with the Kintampo Market Management and individual associations, organized a cleanup initiative at the Kintampo Municipal weekly market. The primary objective was to address the sanitation issues in the market and the broader municipality.

During an interview, Mr. Nanga Joseph Nyindam, the Executive Director of Action Youth for Development-Ghana and the main organizer of the event, emphasized the significance of cleanliness by stating, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” The aim was to promote the well-being of both people and the environment within the municipality.

Mr. Nyindam further explained that the Kintampo New Market frequently welcomes traders from both national and international backgrounds, making it essential to maintain cleanliness. Additionally, as a healthcare professional, he felt a responsibility to contribute to the cleanliness of the society he resides.

Numerous groups within the municipality, including women’s groups, butchers, Zoom Lion workers, and department heads, actively participated in the cleanup activities.

The Municipal Chief Executive for the Kintampo Municipality, Mr. Isaac Baffoe Ameyaw, expressed his satisfaction at witnessing individuals and groups organizing such initiatives within the municipality. He strongly discouraged improper disposal of plastic waste and urged everyone to maintain discipline in rubbish disposal to ensure a clean environment.

Mr. Baffoe also announced the market committee’s plan to reassign unoccupied stalls to traders in need of them.

Furthermore, he invited all Kintampo citizens, both local and abroad, to attend the Homecoming and fundraising event on April 10, 2023. The event aims to support the construction of a multipurpose community center and will take place at the forecourt of the old Community Center. The Kintampo Municipal Assembly, in collaboration with the planning committee, Nananom (traditional leaders), opinion leaders, the Municipal Chief Executive, and distinguished sons and daughters of Kintampo, extended the invitation to all under the theme “Kintampo Homecoming; Efie ne Fie” (Home is Home).

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Action Youth for Development-Ghana commemorates the International Day of the Forest

Every year, on the 21st of April, we observe the International Day of the Forest. This year’s celebration revolves around the theme “Forest and Health.”

This theme aligns perfectly with our organization’s vision, which is to promote the well-being of both humans and the environment while safeguarding our precious forests.

According to UN-REDD, forests harbor approximately 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, and around 1.6 billion people rely on forests for their livelihoods, including sustenance, shelter, energy, and income. Forest resources play a crucial role in providing clean air and fresh water, benefiting millions of individuals, even those residing in urban areas.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in its 2020 Report titled “The State of the World’s Forests,” reveals that the total forest area is approximately 4.06 billion hectares, which translates to roughly 5,000 square meters (or a plot of land measuring 50 by 100 meters) per person. However, forests are not distributed evenly across the globe.

Ghana faces significant economic losses, as environmental and forest-related consequences account for 11% of its GDP. The World Bank Group’s Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) for Ghana estimates that if urgent climate action is not taken, at least one million more people could be pushed into poverty due to climate shocks. By 2050, the income of impoverished households could decrease by up to 40%. On this day of global forest celebration, we strongly recommend adopting an integrated approach to agricultural and environmental management. This includes fostering integrated landscape management, promoting climate-smart agriculture, and supporting the adaptation of coastal communities.

Let us all commit to planting and nurturing trees throughout our lives. We must refrain from burning our forests and engaging in indiscriminate tree felling. The well-known adage, “When the last tree dies, the last person dies,” serves as a reminder for us to be responsible and do everything within our power to protect our forests and the environment from harm.

As we join the global community in celebrating this day, we firmly believe that educating our people to cherish and preserve the forest is of utmost importance. Together, let us love and maintain the health of our forests.

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Second Quarter HIV Self-testing Project in Kintampo by AY4D-GH

AY4D-GH has achieved a significant milestone with the successful completion of the second quarter of the HIV Self-Testing Project in Kintampo. This ongoing initiative, which focuses on promoting accessible and confidential HIV testing through self-testing methods, has made remarkable progress in improving HIV prevention, awareness, and early detection in the region. Through strategic partnerships, community engagement, and a dedicated team, AY4D-GH has truly demonstrated its commitment to the well-being and health of the community in Kintampo.

Addressing Barriers to HIV Testing

Traditional HIV testing methods often face barriers such as stigma, fear, and limited access to healthcare facilities. Recognizing these challenges, AY4D-GH has embarked on the HIV Self-Testing Project to overcome these barriers and promote easy, accessible, and confidential HIV testing in Kintampo. By introducing self-testing methods, individuals have the power to take control of their own health and well-being.

The Power of Self-Testing

Self-testing provides individuals with the opportunity to test for HIV in the privacy and comfort of their own homes. It allows them to have control over the testing process, encouraging them to take charge of their health and make informed decisions. By removing the fear of judgment or stigma often associated with traditional testing methods, self-testing empowers individuals to prioritize their well-being and seek appropriate medical care.

Strategic Partnerships

AY4D-GH understands that addressing the HIV epidemic requires collaboration and partnership. Through their collaboration with GHANET (Ghana HIV&AIDS Network), AY4D-GH has strengthened its efforts in the HIV Self-Testing Project. GHANET brings valuable expertise, experience, and resources to the table, enhancing the impact of the project and expanding its reach within the community. Together, they form a formidable force in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Community Engagement and Education

Raising awareness and promoting education are essential components of the HIV Self-Testing Project. AY4D-GH and GHANET have conducted extensive community engagement activities, including workshops, information sessions, and awareness campaigns. These initiatives aim to dispel myths, reduce stigma, and provide accurate information about HIV and self-testing methods. By empowering individuals with knowledge, AY4D-GH and GHANET are equipping the community with the necessary tools to make informed decisions about their health.

Improved HIV Prevention and Early Detection

The HIV Self-Testing Project has had a significant impact on HIV prevention and early detection in Kintampo. By promoting self-testing, AY4D-GH, and GHANET have encouraged individuals to test more frequently and take proactive measures in preventing the spread of HIV. Early detection is crucial for timely interventions, access to treatment, and counseling, ultimately improving health outcomes and reducing the transmission of the virus.

Monitoring and Evaluation:
AY4D-GH understands the importance of continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure the effectiveness and impact of the HIV Self-Testing Project. Regular assessments are conducted to measure key performance indicators, gather feedback from participants, and identify areas for improvement. This data-driven approach allows AY4D-GH and GHANET to make informed decisions, refine strategies, and adapt interventions based on the evolving needs of the community.

Impact on the Community

The HIV Self-Testing Project has made a tangible impact on the community in Kintampo. By providing accessible and confidential testing options, more individuals have been able to know their HIV status. This empowers them to seek appropriate care, access treatment if needed, and make informed choices about their sexual health. Moreover, the project has contributed to reducing the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS, fostering a more inclusive and supportive community.

Continuing the Journey

AY4D-GH remains committed to the HIV Self-Testing Project, continuously striving to expand its reach and impact. Through sustained efforts, they aim to further improve access to HIV testing, strengthen community partnerships, and enhance education and awareness. By addressing the challenges associated with HIV, AY4D-GH is playing a vital role in achieving better health outcomes and ultimately reducing the burden of HIV/AIDS in Kintampo.


AY4D-GH’s HIV Self-Testing Project in Kintampo has demonstrated the power of accessible, confidential, and community-centered HIV testing. Through strategic partnerships, community engagement, and education, AY4D-GH has made significant strides in HIV prevention, awareness, and early detection. Their dedication to the well-being and health of the community is commendable, and the impact of their efforts is evident in the lives they have touched and the progress they have made. As they continue their journey, AY4D-GH is paving the way for a healthier and more resilient Kintampo, where individuals can take control of their health and build a brighter future together.

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AY4D-GH and Kintampo Scouts Unite for a Cleaner, Greener Community

In a joint effort, AY4D-GH and the Kintampo Scout Association organized a clean-up exercise. With a shared commitment to environmental conservation, the organizations came together to address the issue of waste management and promote cleanliness in the local community. Through this collaborative initiative, AY4D-GH and the Kintampo Scout Association worked hand in hand to raise awareness, mobilize volunteers, and actively engage in clean-up activities. Together, they aimed to create a cleaner and healthier environment for the residents of Kintampo.

Waste management poses a significant challenge for communities around the world, and Kintampo is no exception. Recognizing the urgency of the issue, AY4D-GH and the Kintampo Scout Association decided to take action. Together, they devised a plan to combat waste pollution and promote responsible waste management practices, aiming to create a cleaner and greener community for the benefit of all.

The success of the clean-up exercise relied on the collaborative efforts of AY4D-GH and the Kintampo Scout Association. By pooling their resources, knowledge, and networks, the organizations harnessed their collective strength to make a tangible impact. They worked hand in hand, leveraging their respective expertise and enthusiasm, to mobilize volunteers and rally the community behind their mission.

An essential aspect of the clean-up exercise was raising awareness among community members about the importance of waste management and the detrimental effects of littering. AY4D-GH and the Kintampo Scouts conducted outreach campaigns, engaging with schools, local businesses, and residents to promote responsible waste disposal practices. By sharing information, hosting workshops, and emphasizing the role individuals play in maintaining a clean environment, they inspired volunteers to actively participate in the clean-up activities.

With volunteers motivated and ready to make a difference, AY4D-GH and the Kintampo Scout Association organized the clean-up activities in various locations across the community. Armed with gloves, trash bags, and a shared sense of purpose, volunteers enthusiastically tackled littered areas, including public spaces, parks, and streets. The sight of community members actively involved in the clean-up not only created visible change but also served as a powerful inspiration for others to take ownership of their surroundings.

Through their collaborative clean-up efforts, AY4D-GH and the Kintampo Scout Association aimed to create a lasting impact on the environment and the well-being of Kintampo’s residents. By removing litter and waste, they not only enhanced the aesthetics of the community but also mitigated potential health and environmental hazards. The clean-up exercise fostered a sense of pride and ownership among community members, encouraging them to maintain cleanliness and actively participate in ongoing efforts to preserve their environment.

The joint clean-up exercise organized by AY4D-GH and the Kintampo Scout Association exemplifies the power of collaboration and community engagement in addressing environmental challenges. By coming together, these organizations demonstrated their shared commitment to creating a cleaner and healthier community for the residents of Kintampo. Through their combined efforts in raising awareness, mobilizing volunteers, and actively engaging in clean-up activities, AY4D-GH and the Kintampo Scouts have set a positive example for environmental conservation and inspired others to take part in creating a more sustainable future.

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AY4D-Ghana and GHANET Join Forces: Revolutionizing HIV Testing in Kintampo

AY4D-Ghana and GHANET Join Forces: Revolutionizing HIV Testing in Kintampo

AY4D-Ghana, in partnership with GHANET (Ghana HIV&AIDS Network), has taken a groundbreaking step towards transforming HIV testing in the Kintampo municipality. The “HIV Self-Testing Project,” this collaborative initiative aims to enhance the accessibility and confidentiality of HIV testing by introducing self-testing methods. By working hand in hand, AY4D-Ghana and GHANET aspire to revolutionize HIV prevention, awareness, and early detection in the community, ultimately leading to improved overall well-being and health outcomes for the population.

Addressing Barriers to HIV Testing:

One of the major obstacles in HIV testing is the stigma and fear associated with traditional testing methods. Recognizing this, AY4D-Ghana and GHANET have come together to introduce self-testing as a game-changer in Kintampo. By providing individuals with the opportunity to conduct HIV tests in the privacy of their own homes, this project aims to break down barriers and encourage more people to take charge of their health.

Promoting Accessibility and Confidentiality:

The “HIV Self-Testing Project” is rooted in the belief that everyone should have easy access to HIV testing services. AY4D-Ghana and GHANET have collaborated to distribute self-testing kits throughout the Kintampo municipality, ensuring that individuals can obtain them conveniently and confidentially. By placing the power of testing in the hands of the community, this project empowers individuals to take control of their health without fear of judgment or discrimination.

Improving HIV Prevention and Early Detection:

Beyond accessibility, the project’s primary objective is to enhance HIV prevention efforts and facilitate early detection. By introducing self-testing, AY4D-Ghana, and GHANET aim to increase the frequency of testing, enabling individuals to regularly monitor their HIV status. This proactive approach helps in the timely identification of infections, which in turn allows for timely interventions, treatment, and counseling. By focusing on prevention and early detection, the project has the potential to significantly reduce the spread of HIV in the community.

Community Engagement and Awareness:

AY4D-Ghana and GHANET understand the critical role of community engagement and awareness in the success of this project. Through targeted campaigns, workshops, and educational programs, they work diligently to inform and educate the community about the benefits and correct usage of self-testing kits. By addressing misconceptions, dispelling myths, and promoting accurate information, AYD-Ghana and GHANET aim to create a supportive environment that encourages individuals to take advantage of self-testing as a valuable tool in their HIV prevention strategy.

Enhancing Well-being and Health Outcomes:

The “HIV Self-Testing Project” is a testament to AY4D-Ghana and GHANET’s commitment to improving the overall well-being and health outcomes of the Kintampo community. By revolutionizing HIV testing, they empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health, reduce the stigma associated with HIV, and encourage early intervention. Through their collaborative efforts, AY4D-Ghana and GHANET strive to create a healthier and more resilient community where HIV prevention and care are prioritized.

AY4D-Ghana and GHANET’s joint venture in the “HIV Self-Testing Project” represents a significant step forward in HIV testing and prevention in the Kintampo municipality. By promoting accessibility, confidentiality, and community engagement, they aim to revolutionize the way individuals approach HIV testing and take charge of their health. Through this pioneering initiative, AYD-Ghana and GHANET demonstrate their unwavering commitment to improving the well-being of the community and creating a future where HIV is no longer a barrier to a healthy and fulfilling life.

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AY4D-GH’s Blood Donation Drive: Empowering Communities and Saving Lives

In a remarkable effort to make a difference, AY4D-GH, a prominent organization committed to community development, recently embarked on a blood donation exercise in the town of Kintampo. With a deep understanding of the critical need for an adequate blood supply in healthcare systems, AY4D-GH mobilized volunteers and orchestrated an event that aimed to raise awareness about the significance of blood donation while actively saving lives.

Recognizing the Need:

AY4D-GH’s blood donation exercise was born out of the recognition that healthcare systems often face shortages in blood supply, which can have severe implications for patients in need. With this understanding, AY4D-GH took action to address this pressing issue, realizing the tremendous impact that a single act of donating blood can have on the well-being and health of the community.

Mobilizing Volunteers and Coordinated Efforts:

To ensure the success of the blood donation drive, AY4D-GH rallied a dedicated team of volunteers who were passionate about making a difference. These individuals wholeheartedly embraced the cause and selflessly contributed their time and effort to the event. Through careful coordination and planning, AY4D-GH created an organized and seamless process that encouraged community members to participate in this life-saving endeavor.

Partnerships for Success:

AY4D-GH recognized the importance of collaborating with local hospitals to maximize the impact of the blood donation exercise. By partnering with healthcare institutions in the Kintampo area, AY4D-GH was able to create a unified front in spreading awareness about the event and facilitating a smooth donation process. These partnerships not only strengthened the initiative but also fostered a sense of trust and confidence within the community.

Raising Awareness and Saving Lives:

AY4D-GH’s blood donation exercise was not merely an event but a powerful platform to raise awareness about the vital importance of blood donation. By engaging with the public, sharing information, and dispelling misconceptions, AY4D-GH aimed to inspire individuals to come forward and contribute to this noble cause. Each donation made during the event represented a potential life saved, embodying the profound impact of collective action and community support.

Commitment to Community Well-being:

The blood donation exercise organized by AY4D-GH in Kintampo exemplified the organization’s unwavering commitment to the well-being and health of the community. Through their selfless act of giving, AY4D-GH demonstrated that together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need. By fostering a culture of compassion and mobilizing resources, AY4D-GH continues to pave the way for a brighter and healthier future.


AY4D-GH’s blood donation exercise in Kintampo stands as a testament to the power of collective action and community engagement. By recognizing the critical need for blood supply and organizing this impactful event, AY4D-GH showcased its dedication to saving lives and promoting the well-being of the community. Through their selfless endeavors, they inspire us all to embrace the spirit of giving and make a positive impact in our own communities.